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You’ll also receive real-time feedback along the way. ThomsonNOW™ for Tan’s Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Seventh Edition Study smarter and improve your grade! This online resource guides you through interactive tutorials based on the examples in this book. If you did not purchase a new book, you still have the option to purchase access electronically by visiting Applied Calculus Register by following the directions on the card that came with this text. Get started today at If you purchased a new book, you may already have access to the e-resources for this text, including ThomsonNOW. Book Companion Website You’ll find study hints, review material, instructions for using various graphing calculators, plus other resources to clarify and reinforce what you read in the text.

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Student Solutions Manual 6-9 Contains fully worked-out solutions to the odd-numbered exercises in the text. > A Graphing Calculator Tutorial, which offers instructions that help take advantage of technology to analyze and solve problems. You’ll never have to stay stuck on a problem again! > Skillbuilder Videos, linked to the tutorials, that walk you step-by-step through examples from the text. In your virtual study group, you can interact with your tutor and your peers using two-way audio and a virtual whiteboard. > vMentor™ for live online tutoring from an experienced mathematics instructor. Other study resources to help you succeed:

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Exercises help you practice and assess your problem-solving skills and your understanding of concepts. “Portfolio” profiles give you a firsthand look at how realworld professionals use applied calculus in their work. Real-world applications-such as satellite radio subscriptions, Google’s revenue, job outsourcing, and the effects of smoking bans-are drawn from the areas of business and the behavioral, life, and social sciences.

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Soo Tan’s text helps you succeed in applied calculus by using real-life examples, clear explanations, and up-to-date technology. Learn calculus by seeing how it applies in your world.

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